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R.I.P.->Remembering C. Lo With Crap

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Don't Take My Word For It.
Here Are My Sources For
C. Lo
Skee LoSkee Lo's Album
Memorial For C. Lo

All I have to go on with this one is a white cross with 'C Lo' on it. So obviously it is famed rapper Skee Lo's brother. A truly sad day has fallen the world and the Lo family. I'd like to express my sincerest regrets to Skee and the rest of the Los.

In this troubling time for them, I implore you to buy Skee Lo's new album that demonstrates "...the imagination and diversity that set him apart in the field of rap"...because he "...again delivers a fresh clean sound that crosses several genres while still staying true to his own unique sound..." and was "...created using live musicians-no sampling, together creating an outstanding mix of Latin rhythms, hip-hop and R&B combined with creative lyrics in a rap form..." and it "...has already become a favorite with DJ's and club audiences throughout the country...".

The Lo family has already lost out on the life of C, but don't you lose out on a "...great addition to any album collection, no matter your tastes.".

I am one misspelling filled hate mail away from repenting, apologizing and giving my life over to christ. Send yours to jason@porkjerky.com. I am sure it will be the one.