I Bleached My Asshole For This?

R.I.P.->Eulogizing Alyssa M. Whitaker With Crap

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Don't Take My Word For It.
Here Are My Sources For
Alyssa M. Whitaker
Online Article 1Online Article 2Online Obituary
Memorial For Alyssa M. Whitaker

I know I come off as an aloof, unfeeling asshole (mostly the last word) on this site, but let me tell you; sometimes I find stories that truly pain me. Every now and then I come across one that just eats at me and tears me up inside. Alyssa Whitaker's is one of those that really test my resolve.

I came across this memorial, got my picture taken, carefully wrote down her name and its location, found a few stories, researched conviction records, double checked my facts, went back over all the articles to make sure I didn't miss something and that's when I realized something truly heart breaking. I don't know who blame for her death.

I know. Its traumatizing. It's worse than that brutal priest raping when I was 8 (Luckily, Father Cliff figured out what was good for him and refused to testify. But still, I had to spend a few nights in juvy.) And, now, day in and day out I have to live with not knowing who to call an asshole in the death of Alyssa Whitaker. I've lain awake at night, pleading 'Please lord, just give me closure. Let me know who to call a piece of shit in this instance.' But my prayers go unanswered. So, I am left with just presenting you with the facts.

On 10/9/2012 Alyssa Whitaker was heading west on 67th street in Mission, KS. That stretch of road has 2 lanes for the westbount trafffic which narrows to one. Brian James Reed was in the other lane. Somehow she clips his car, flips into oncoming traffic and gets smashed by car heading east killing her.

I have no idea if she was trying to pass him in a lane clearly marked as ending or if he was being a dick and trying to box her in since she was speeding up and trying to pass. Someone is clearly an asshole in this situation. Fuck they both might be.

The problem is that Brian James Reed was charged with and plead to vehicular manslaughter. So it would seem that would be enough for me to pass asshole judgement on him. However, he only got probabtion and a few weekends in jail. Also, the news account makes it seem like Alyssa was the shitty driver because she was speeding up to pass in lane that was ending and clipped him.

I have no idea though and it truly breaks my heart, I don't know who to call a piece of shit driver. I only wish everyone could feel the pain I've experienced because of this accident. Honestly, consider yourselves lucky. You just can't comprehend what I am going through until something as traumatic as researching this accident happens to you.

Please, only send constructive criticism to jason@porkjerky.com. Writing 'Go fuck yourself sideways', is only helpful if you provide specific, self-sideways fucking details.