Pompously Misinformed

As with wine, my pallet is not refined enough to distinguish among the many flavors of retard: Aspberger ‘s, mental retardation, PDD_NOS, autism, fucking retarded, down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and just plain stupid. All of those, my pedestrian, uncouth brain processes as ‘retarded’.

I blame the public school system and my parents for my ignorance. Maybe video games. Definitely T.V. Rock and roll music didn’t help. Oh, and above all I was vaccinated against my will when I was less than 2 years old for a bunch of diseases I didn’t have nor probably would ever get. So I got that working against me too.


Yeah, my inability to identify or care about all those types of retards is definitely a side effect of all those vaccines. Stupid big pharma.

Missy agrees with me. She runs the Anti-Vaccinations blog, today’s winner of the Whenever Porkjerky.com Shitty Blog Award. Oh, it’s a delightful blog.

I was looking for a blog about how vaccines caused retardation. I was very successful in that search, but this blog while tangentially related, stood out above the crowd. Missy (a.k.a. sexiisassyvirgo69 on myspace — nice) is more concerned about all vaccinations and the U.N. forcing us to get them than just autism being caused by whatever the Jenny McCarthy-lead nutjobs are blaming it on these days.

Here’s just the titles of some of her posts:

God love her. If you’re going to be so willfully misinformed, do it with style I say. Don’t just sit at home with tinfoil on your head eating a gluten free diet, worrying about dihydrogen monoxide. Get out there and post your ramblings to the web.

Oh, and try to make a buck off of it. I don’t know why, but blogs with Google ads on them are 962% more awesome than blogs without. Just something so great about these people with causes and altruistic intentions trying to make a buck off their ramblings.

Even better is when those ads are for things you are against. She’s got ads in a couple of spaces, both of which show ads for vaccines or vaccine related items. Specifically, one’s for ABO Pharmaceuticals which is a vaccine supply company; A Sanyo Vaccine Cooler and a bunch of online and real-world clinics where you can get vaccines.

It wasn’t what I had set out to find, but it all really came together on this one blog. I am proud to present sexiisassyvirgo69 and her Anti-Vaccinations blog with this Random Timeframe Porkjerky.com Shitty Blog Award. May they someday find a cure for you or at least develop a shot they can give others so you don’t infect them with your idiocy.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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