Archive for June, 2009

Breaking News: The News Suck Ass

A-fucking-mazing. I watch the local newscasts by flipping among the 4 local T.V. stations from 10:05 until 10:12. The first 5 minutes is weather, what’s coming up in the weather later in the newscast and shots of reporters live on location in front of places that had something happen there 10 hours ago giving you […]

The Turd Is Always Greener On The Other Side

When you’re feeling all alone in the world, standing up for what’s right against a foe incalculably stronger than you, putting the good of your fellow man above your own personal well-being, trying to affect a positive change in the world for generations to come, literally risking your life today for a better tomorrow for […]

Hi, I’m A Douchebag

I get queasy at the sight of blood, so please somebody please slit my wrists for me. I got an email today from some pretentious fuck. How did I know they were a pretentious fuck? They told me. Not in so many words, but in so many letters. Their email signature said something like ‘Tinydick […]

Coach’s Corner

Team Shitters Dear lord, we ask that you watch over everyone shitting today. Please save us all from anal fissures, rectal tears, prolapsed ani and any other injury that the devil will try to throw at us. For your glory we crap. Amen. Now lets get out there and put on a shitting clinic. […]

My Friend

I, umm had this friend, yeah that’s it, I-He’d been drinking quite a bit.   A long, gross story short   Take my-his word for it, When he-I say ‘This tastes like shit’.

Award Winning Nutbag Blog

Yesterday, in my attempt to find a shitty blog that I was pretty sure existed, I got sidetracked when I stumbled on the web’s shittiest blog search site. Today, I restruck out in search of the blog of my shitty dreams and was successful. I didn’t know if this exact blog existed, but was confident […]

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